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The Pacific Coast Recreational Fisheries Information Network (RecFIN) closely collaborates with our program partners to implement recreational fishery-dependent surveys, review and develop survey design and estimation methods, ensure data management best practices and compliance with data standard requirements, enhance data reporting, identify and prioritize regional fisheries data needs, and promote education and outreach for the recreational angling public.

RecFIN program partners include state (WDFW, ODFW, CDFW) and federal (NOAA Fisheries) agencies responsible for fisheries management, data collection and estimation, stock assessment, and policy implementation; the regional fisheries management council (PFMC) tasked with developing and recommending management measures for the Pacific coast region; and industry groups (SAC) representing the recreational fishing sector.

RecFIN and our program partners work together to ensure Pacific coast recreational fisheries data is accurate, timely, and accessible to facilitate effective state and federal fisheries management and support sustainable marine fisheries resources.